In India the famous game is ludo classic and we all aware about this game. We play this game with our parents friends colleagues. If you want to play this game online then you have to download Ludo Classic in your Android mobile so that you can play this game. The games is very much similar the only thing is that you have a Digital platform to play the game. Previously we use Dice to strike the number and when we get the number we move our goti according to the number, but in case of online game you need to only that the button and it will do it for you.
We need 4 players to play this game this type of games are really what’s famous in India because we always want to have partners and competitive at the time of playing. Indian people does not love to play a single game so most of the games which are played by single are not accepted by peoples in India we always have our partner with us to play or to fight whatever. Keep in mind the games is developed based upon group play so that you can play the games and even you can have level of games to be played in this software.
About Ludo
It is a board games where you need to 2 to 4 players to play the game. It’s about to taking your tokens to finish line by using number system which you throw. That die contain number 1 to 6 in their side. What about the number will come you have to move your tokens to that step. You can also cut other tokens from the back side to reach on the same place. So you have to reach the home by crossing hurdles of other tokens. The origin of this game is that from Indian games name pachisi. The games is not popular in India but it is spread out while wind.
Where did I get this games apps?
You can get this game app from 9Apps Store. You have to first install Linux in your mobile on PC and then you have to search”Ludo” it will show you are downloaded just simply click to start installing in your mobile and now you are ready to play the ultimate classical games ludo with your friends and family.
Is 9Apps safe for downloading games?
Yes 9Apps is safe to download any types of game because this is an open portal for uploading and downloading software and games.
The post ludo classic apk download appeared first on 9apps.
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